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kaos aND 3 CDS THAT ARE ....yeah
2 comments 1/20/10 8:21 PM


yes i know but fuck you i've been bizzzzy

note: the first time you hear these songs (well, the first three anyway), if you're not smiling and nodding your head, you're not listening to them loud enough and you have shitty headphones/speakers and you need more green in your life 

Emalkay - When I Look At You - i'm STILL listening to this song. yes i've put it here before, but if you haven't gotten it here it is. it's fucking insane, even Pitchfork put it in their "best new songs", like that's how big this track is! serious it blows minds.

Trolly Snatcha - The Future - ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE. trust me this song blows minds fool. if you like the dubstep i've been posting this song will blow your face off, it's puure filth! repetitive, yeah, but if you care you're not listening to it loud enough. or if you're not smiling and nodding your head the first time you hear this, you're also not listening to it loud enough.

Eddie K - Who's the Hardest - oh man this one's nuts, the bass just doesn't even stop. one of those songs kind of like the cockney thug caspa remix where the bass just rolls? yeah it's like that where it just keeps coming haha, there are no breaks! huge fan, very heavy.

The Others - Bazooka - prettty sick basslines in here. a bit repetitive, but still made it here didn't it? the first time i head this song i had to have it. now you do, enjoy fool!

Noah D - Seeeriousss - sseeeeerrriousss?!?!?!?!?! this one has that blaaring bass with a sick lead synth sounding thing on top. turn it up! this one's sick to just listen to.

Jakes - No Respect - this one's last cause it's okay. honestly, i just really like that punchy bass drop that actually sounds like a trunk rumbling, so it feels like it's really loud no matter how loud you listen to it. anyways yeah this is dubstep.

when i've been around some people lately i've played these songs, so these are the ones i've been telling you i'll put up, sorry for taking 34 years.


Xiu Xiu
Dear God I Hate Myself

xiu xiu's newest album! comes out soon i think, so this is an advance fool! i'm in love with the song "The Fabrizio Palumbo Retaliation" it's been getting heaps of plays by me as of around 4 days ago. honestly, it's an okay album. typical xiu xiu sounding, but the song i recommended is more subtle i suppose. anyways, here's the unreleased xiu xiu! enjoy.

The Album Leaf
A Chorus of Storytellers

album leaf's new album. honestly, it's alright. i fucking hate it when this dude sings. jimmy. god dammit jimmy. anyway, it's got some wicked tracks on here though, and it's 320, so i rule and you can't go wrong. here you goooooooooooooooooo00oo0o0o.

Hot Chip
 One Life Stand

Hot cChip's newest! not bad at all. i suppose it's a downward slope for all bands, but this isn't a bad cd, you know? i mean it's pretty good. my favorite track would have to be either "alley cats" or "keep quiet". anyways, here it is, enjoy!

SO! i hope you enjoy this post. it's pretty intense in terms of new music...you know.
i guess this is a preview of 2010's music! we can keeeeep hoping for wicked stuff.
sorry for the lack of posting, but i just got a shit ton of new stuff, so i'm hoping to post more soon!

your pal,

justin b

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oh how i would love to kick with the fray
0 comments 1/6/10 9:22 PM
so recently i found the best single existant in my entire music library. I KNOW RIGHT!? no seriously it's amazing, i love it, i love it, you will too. it's xiu xiu and parenthical girls' split cover of smiths songs, and it happens to be one of my favorite smiths songs too. the covers they did are amazing, as one would expect. they kept the lyrics and the general melody of the songs but xiu xiu'd and parenthical girls'd them. they almost have an eeeeerie sound. it's a really interesting and incredible listen, cause i haven't heard anything like this really. the two songs i'll post are actually an split single released by xiu xiu and parenthical girls, and the mp3's are 320, cause i rule.

anyways, in this post i will review both tracks, as they are just that good.

This xiu xiu song in particular makes it to the top 3 of my favorite tracks by them. it maintains the xiu xiu style while covering a particularly shitty song by morrissey. while starting off slowly with a fade in rounded kick, it gains intensity with the usual xiu xiu noise, however further in the song the most incredible bloops and beeps start sounding, and it's just toooooo wicked. of course soaked in distortion, the bleeps really really add to the otherwise fairly typical xiu xiu sounding tune. sometimes adding reverb and more or less distortion also changes up these beeps, so it's just a really refreshing thing to hear. together with the stabs of horns, this song is somewhat unique in terms of a cover. the vocals are also fairly awesome, adding the xiu xiu misery to morrissey's confident tone. in conclusion, when keeping in mind this is a morrissey song, which would mean it would have nothing out of the ordinary in it at all, i think xiu xiu really did well here in terms of providing an interesting cover, which in my opinion, is better than the original.
Oh my god this song blew my mind. This parenthical girls cover is getting an insane amount of plays by me recently. it starts off with piano notes, eventually working into the handsome devil guitar riffs, but ever so off tune as if it was in some sort of horror movie. almost sounds as if it were by the misfits or some other band we all listened to in grade 10. when the drums come in they make the song more up beat and dance-able, really. really. although different from the original drumming, it's still pretty wicked. the vocals are also very well done. i've always loved this dude's voice, and he really does the trembello of morrissey's well. anyway further in the song there's some feedback and what not to add to that eerie effect i mentioned, and then when it gets to the part where it says "i said, i said, i i said" all these awkward horns coming in drowning out anything else, really, which i find fucking coooool. it happens again a few times but the song maintains the same patterns till some slow part, which, i'm not really that big of a fan of. it's alright i guess, got some cool 80's sounding snare in there, but whatever. the BEST part of this song is after he says "i'm going to get you......(piano noise)....you handsome devil"after that slow part, the normal ending comes in, but with these amaaazing creepy strings added! it's absolutely incredible in my opinion. they just add that last touch to make the song amazing. then those crazy intense horns attack you again, and then it's fairly serene till the end but with some synth in the background this time, not bad. necessary though, because if you had the cool horror strings during the ending with great lyrics like "there's more to life than books you know, but not much more" i think it would just make that one section less significant, seeing as how it's right after that slow part. it ends with that off tune guitar again, and i'm satisfied. (note: i'm not reading this over, fuck that,so if it doesnt make sense, that's okay)

your pal,

justin b the great the second part 2

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are a'ringin
0 comments 1/4/10 7:18 PM

Sleigh Bells - Crown on the Ground 
 (right/control click, save) 

i loooove this fucking song. i foresee a successful future for this band. blown out kicks, distortion, and girly vocals while all being epicly catchy is what constructs the songs. they don't have any actual cd's out, so this is just their own rough recordings. apparently they will be redoing these songs, so i'll post those when i get them!  i like their different sounds already. i'm pretty pumped on this music. anyways, more tunage belooowww. enjoy fool!

Sleigh Bells -  A/B Machines (right/control click, save)
Sleigh Bells - Ring Ring (right/control click, save)
Sleigh Bells - Infinity Guitars (right/control click, save)
Sleigh Bells - Beach Girls (right/control click, save)

EDIT: two more songs thanks to my pal matt
Sleigh Bells - Holly (click for download link)
Sleigh Bells - 2HELLWU (click for download link)

 (to be fair i hate infinity guitars and beach girls, but i just wanted to post all of the material i had from these guys, you dig?)

your pal,

b nitsuj

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merry everything
0 comments 1/2/10 10:17 AM

i put some wicked stuff in this so i hope you like it, sorry for the lack of posts. but i'm sure you're aware of how the holidays are. so! i present to you a plethora of good music! 

 Hank Williams

you haaaaaave to listen to this!
it's one of those albums that once you listen to it you're like woaaah and you keep playing it. IT'S JUST SO GOOD. i don't even get why it appeals to me, and why i think it'll appeal to you, but, here's a taste where i'm sure you'll understand. the songs are like life lessons, so you learn as you listen. anyway, i like it, and you will too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  !! ! !  !!!! ooooo!

Boys Noize

i got this recently, cause i had no idea they released a new album. Oi Oi Oi was alright you know? some really intense songs but not much you could listen to all the way through. this one's a big change. it's got some crazy wicked songs like "trooper" and "starter", which are just heavy while being able to just listen to without being too repetitive. i don't know, it's just good. you really should listen to trooper though, it's insane, getting tons of plays on my ipod lately!

hollertronix 10 released! this is the last of the series, so enjoy it. it tries to stay with the previous concept of versatility, being able to be played by a dj or in your car or your headphones! "Rage" is a pretty nuts song, reverb makes that lead synth sound really cool, almost as if you're hearing it in a massive auditorium of some sort, which i realize is the idea of such effect, but it's done well haha.

Real Estate - Beach Comber

i just thought i'd throw this last treat in! i've been listening to this song a lot, but not for the actual main song. the last minute or so, starting on that mp3 i just linked at around 2:45, is fucking insane! i love it, i really really love it. it's just so, so nice to listen to. it's really nice music. if i could play guitar, i'd learn to play this for sure. if you want to listen to more, here is the album! but honestly i'm just a fan of that song haha.

okay! so this was the first post of the year. i hope you like it. i tried to stay with the different variations of music as always, and i hope you enjoy it! hope your year is great too friend! thanks for reading.

your pal,

justin b

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it's cold, and i am finally home
1 comments 12/17/09 10:58 AM

i posted one of the songs from this ep a while ago, beach baby, a live version with the mp3. it's an incredible song. well now i'm giving you the ep! cause i realized what a good song Blood Bank is. i realize a lot of people might have this already, but some might not! the music is really really nice to listen to, especially in the winter. and since it's getting cold and snowy, i thought it would be appropriate. enjoy!


i really enjoyed the first beach house album. and by that, i mean the one before this one. i have no idea if they have a bunch or anything, but it's self titled so it's usually safe to assume such a thing. this album comes out next year, and there has been a massive leakage. as always i support buying music, so if you're a fan as well, purchase it when it is released! anyways, this music is kind of neat. it's one dude and one gal, like high places, but not quite as good - but that's a high bar they set. it's mellow music, which is appreciated in the wintertime, no? anyways, i just though i'd post it cause i got some old stuff above, thought i'd level it with some shit not out yet.


so i was watching skins the other day, and chris goes to talk to this job counselor. i'm one of those guys who listens for music in shows or wherever, as i'm sure you, reader, are as well. so the song that comes on during this particular scene was SO fitting and so odd that i had to get it. it's by Minotaur Shock, probably most known for his remixes (bloc party, stars). anyways, i don't have much to say cause i got the album and i hate it, but i'll post that one song cause it's too dope. it's like a weird series or horns in harmony, but in an ever so flawlessly off-tune way, it's great. also, before you rob a bank in all black or are going to do something where you may look suspicious, listen to this song, cause it's made for that i believe.

Minotaur Shock - Muesli


so JAYOU did a dubstep mix with mad decent, which, you may know i am somewhat a fan of. it's his top played songs of the year, and it's pretty dope! some pretty wicked drops in here, accompanied with just some sickkkk tunes to just not your head to, you dig? like most of them are just dope. you gotta listen to the last song. so start at the beginning, but then if you're like fuck it, go to 23 minutes in! too dope, really love that LFO, seriously i'm a massive massive fan of anything with beaitiful lfo, haha.

JAYOU & Mad Decent - Dubstep Mix (Right click, save as/command click, save as)

enjoy fool! christmas soon! yes

your pumped for christmas + DOOOOOM in january pal,

justin b

ps. next i have a real treat for you, a christmas gift! you'll love it. yo will love it. no not try again later'd vol. 2 but i'm working on that, maybe that too though i guess haha

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